Looking for PaasIJ at cafe de Ceuvel
Its almost Easter, which means you’ll be able to enjoy PaasIJ for a while now and that its almost time to look for Easter eggs. Just like previous years, kids will be able to look for Easter eggs in and around cafe de Ceuvel. But adults can look for another kind of Easter eggs as well. Bottles of PaasIJ (lously translated to ‘EasterEgg’) will be hidden in the same area!
Archive for 2017 / March / 30
Vrijwit & Calypso win awards
That makes our brewers incredibly proud: gold for both Vrijwit …A grand anniversary deserves an iconic beer
To honor Amsterdam’s 750th anniversary, we’re launching a special version …Countdown to IJndejaars
All good things come to an IJnde. That's why, on …Vacature: Bedrijfsleider bij ‘t Blauwe Theehuis
Vacature: Bedrijfsleider bij Proeflokaal De Molen