Eggshibition 2025
EGGSHIBITION, get it? Nicely thought out by those folks at ’t IJ. Eggs, but really beautiful ones, to look at. And during Easter, no less. As if they planned it that way. I bet a glass of PaasIJ was involved in that decision.
Parading with L’Oeuf
L’Oeuf is a Summer Chique Blonde with sparkling bravado. First brewed at Proeflokaal De Molen, where its full maltiness and fresh American hops were met with great enthusiasm.
An annual happy dance
Every year, a little joyful dance when we find the first PaasIJ. Because we know it will be gone faster than we’d like, we make sure to enjoy just one more.
Jeu de boules tournament at ’t Blauwe Theehuis
We are a back! Petanque on the sun-drenched terrace of ‘t Blauwe Theehuis, right in the heart of Vondelpark.
We’re going all-in on sustainability
At Brouwerij ’t IJ, we are taking a big step toward a more sustainable future. Starting in March 2025, all our beers will be available in deposit bottles or recyclable cans. Each packaging has its own character, but the flavors remain the same.
New Year’s Drinks by Brouwerij ‘t IJ at Proeflokaal de Molen
New Year’s Drinks by Brouwerij ‘t IJ at Proeflokaal de Molen
For years, it’s been a cherished tradition to kick off the new year in style at Proeflokaal de Molen on January 1st. And this year, we’re keeping that tradition alive! Join us for plenty of IJ beer and great tunes from our DJ.
Vrijwit & Calypso win awards
That makes our brewers incredibly proud: gold for both Vrijwit and Calypso at the prestigious Brussels Beer Challenge!
A grand anniversary deserves an iconic beer
To honor Amsterdam’s 750th anniversary, we’re launching a special version of our iconic IJwit: Mokum’s overdreven IJwit. Deeply in love with our city, to which we’ve been connected for over 40 years, we’ve taken Amsterdam’s favorite beer to new heights.
Countdown to IJndejaars
All good things come to an IJnde. That’s why, on Saturday, October 26, we’ll be counting down to IJndejaars together with you in the heart of Vondelpark.
When asked what ‘t IJ stands for, we immediately respond, “Making great beer!” But why do we brew all this beer? To bring people together. To get to know one another better and to share some laughter. Especially in the city, where this is often most needed, we actively work on creating opportunities for connection because those are the best moments to enjoy a glass of beer.
Bock beer our way
The days are getting shorter and wetter, but don’t be sad because this also means that IJbok is available again.
So do you have something to celebrate and are you looking for a private space with your own bar and music? Or do you simply want to attend a beer tasting with your family or colleagues?
Arm in arm, even better
Our new special started as a one-time creative outburst by our brewers at the last edition of the Amsterdamse Feest onder de Molen. This beer flowed from the tap more than any other. Such a success that it is now available to everyone under the name IJbräu.
Panja Paloma: the new sexy beer cocktail
Una Paloma Panja! A summery combo of ‘t IJ beer and a Paloma cocktail with grapefruit, lime, and Tecán tequila. The perfect serve?
‘t Blauwe Theehuis | Smeerkees Sunscreen
In collaboration with Zilveren Kruis, a sunscreen pole will be ready for guests of ‘t Blauwe Theehuis this entire summer.
Brouwerij ’t IJ X Roos Creative Lab
We gave our beach chairs a new look and Roos made new bags from the old fabrics. If you’re thinking, I want one of those bags, mark June 22 and 23 in your calendar. That weekend is the next edition of The Creative Lab, and you can score our bags there.
Seeking silence and tranquility? Don’t call ’t IJ!
This summer, we will be at all TAPT events with the Brouwerij ’t IJ Belspel. For this bell game, you don’t need a phone to call in. Here, we do it with a bicycle bell.
A refreshing and fruity one
We felt like trying something different again. That’s why we gave our beloved Calypso a new twist and made the recipe even fresher and fruitier.
Win a cozy neighborhood with a BuurtBankje
Buy our beers at your supermarket, get a chance to win a BuurtBankje (neighborhood bench), and get to know your neighbors better! On a BuurtBankje, you meet all the residents that make up a neighborhood. It’s a bench you place on your sidewalk or street that all neighborhood residents can use. This way, you get to know your neighbors better, people feel more at home in the neighborhood, and you look out for each other more often. Making a difference in the neighborhood has never been this easy.
On Saturday March 30th, the 4th edition of Eggshibition took place at VOGELFREI, the creative stronghold of the Havenloods in Utrecht. 15 Utrecht artists unleashed their creativity on 15 ostrich eggs, bringing the total collection to over 50! With each egg that arrived in the days leading up to the event, we were amazed anew. Each creation was a gift in itself. The exhibition on Saturday afternoon was quickly followed by a diverse program of special entertainment lasting into the late hours. With a good glass of PaasIJ in hand, it was once again a fantastic party.
Vrijwit wins the Untappd Community Awards
Vrijwit was the highest-rated low-alcohol wheat beer in 2023 according to the Untappd Community. Nice, especially because the drinker has chosen.
Through the mobile app of Untappd, users can check in and rate the beers they drink and share this with their friends. For the awards, the beers were ranked by style based on their average rating given by users in the calendar year 2023. Vrijwit received a total score of 3077.
Our take on the New England IPA
By popular demand; a New England IPA (NEIPA). And of course, we wouldn’t be ‘t IJ if we didn’t call it Nijpa. New England IPA is a relatively new beer style with plenty of hops, and unlike an IPA, it is not bitter but rather fruity. The style originated in the USA, but it’s also excellent under the Dutch sun. Soft, fruity, and hazy.
Eggshibition becomes even more extravagant
On 30 March 2024, we bring Eggshibition back, and this time it’s going to be even bigger and more extravagant. We kick off at 2:00 PM with even more Utrecht artists, and even more music, spectacle, eccentricity and PaasIJ.
Time to drink PaasIJ again
We can’t start drinking PaasIJ early enough. PaasIJ is a spring beer that we’ve been brewing since the early years. And this spring, it’s back, just as popular as ever. And just as flavorful, dark blond, and delicious.
Behoorlijk Stout bier
In this powerful stout we mixed different types of malt, from light to dark roasted. We used barley, oats and rye to create a complex flavor. We mixed this nicely with the flavors you know from a typical Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte: think of delicious chocolate, juicy cherries and a creamy touch. We also added lactose to give the beer a rich body.
We celebrated IJndejaars in style
A party to express our gratitude to the dedicated IJ tappers in Amsterdam, who will be tirelessly serving customers in cafes, bars, and restaurants throughout the festive December season, was held on November 6 at ‘t Blauwe Theehuis. To make this occasion even more special, Sinterklaas and Santa Claus joined forces, bringing along all their helpers.
A winter festive beer: IJndejaars
As winter sets in, an old friend appears: IJndejaars, which we brew every November. Some people call it a winter beer, but we think it’s a party beer. With its orange appearance reminiscent of twinkling festive lights, and aromas that dance between caramel, spicy fruit, soft orange peels and roasted malt.
Where laughter, dancing, and Amsterdam joviality collide
On October 7, we orchestrated a splendid gathering of Amsterdam’s finest treasures, ushering in a day brimming with beer, fun and craziness.
FC Centrum came to visit
At FC Centrum you will find special stories about the center. They put the spotlight on all the good that our city center has to offer; special entrepreneurs, nice bars, inspiring neighborhood initiatives and hidden places to relax.
We couldn’t resist and released another jenever. It has become one according to the standards of ‘t IJ: very tasty and very smooth. Distilled from various beers with the addition of passion fruit.
IJbok to celebrate autumn
Autumn quietly seeps in, with a breeze here and there on the terrace that slowly makes you forget about summer. But you don’t have to worry, because autumn also means the return of IJbok!
The Amsterdam Festival in October
The Amsterdam Festival in October is a cacophony of everything that makes Amsterdam so much fun. And all those Amsterdam delicacies would not look out of place in our tasting room and café under the mill. The long tables are already ready there for October 7.
Café Struis opening 21 september
Café Struis is a new meeting place at Brouwerij ‘t IJ in Amsterdam East. It is a nice café for the neighborhood – with a terrace and a good glass of beer. We open on September 21, so feel free to join us for a toast?
‘t Gouden IJ
It seems like a discovery, but it still had some architecture: a slightly sweet and golden blond beer of 7.5% with a firm head.
Number 83 | Citrus Ale
Citrus Ale is nummer 83 in onze reeks speciale nummers, een lijn van bieren waarin onze brouwers de ruimte krijgen om met uitgesproken recepten hun persoonlijke stempel op dat typische profiel van ‘t IJ te drukken. Nu dus nummer 83 gebrouwen door brouwer Fred de Bruijne.
This is Berrie, our third low-alcohol beer. It can be classified as a Raspberry Sour. We’ve added a bunch of raspberries, which makes Berrie fruity, sour and refreshing at the same time. And with 0,5% alcohol Berrie is quite innocent.
On that bike
In the city we do everything by bicycle. We take the children to school with it, we load it with shopping bags and a box of beer and race it to the office or workplace every day. So it’s amazing how that bicycle makes our lives so much better. It’s time to say thank you for that.
Eggshibition 2023 was one for the books!
Eggshibition 2023 was one for the books!
On Saturday, April 8, Eggshibition took place at VOGELFREI, the creative hub of the Havenloods. We asked 16 artists from Utrecht to unleash their creativity on 16 ostrich eggs. The results were all amazing, from a racecar egg to a 3D embryo egg. Combine that with good company, delicious food, great music, lots of PaasIJ beer, and, oh yes, a bingo!
Nummer 82 | Grape Ale
The second special number of 2023 is here! Number 82, the Grape Ale. Grape Ales could be seen as a hybrid between beer and wine, but more beer than wine. It features a special hop variety, Nelson Sauvin, from New Zealand. Perhaps the best news from New Zealand since Abel Tasman accidentally stumbled upon it in 1642
Number 81 | Oaked IPA
Number five in our series of special numbers. The series that we started at 77, because after some research it turned out to be the 77th beer that we brewed. Now for number 81, the first of 2023. Our brewer Allard presents the Oaked IPA.
Quite a few staff at ‘t IJ like to take a headbutt once in a while. Of course that had to result in YOUR OWN JENEVER! And that’s it.
Countdown to IJndejaars
A end comes to all good things, and so does 2022. That is why we are counting down to IJndejaars on 27, 28, 29 & 30 October. We celebrate this grandly, with live music, oliebollen, snert and of course our winter showpiece IJndejaars.
Number 80: Spiced Triple
The success of our brewery is largely due to an Amsterdam tripel: The Zatte. It was our very first beer in 1985 and immediately went down well. We kept improving the recipe all those years, have become good triples and have also mastered a number of other styles.
Het Amsterdams Feest in Oktober
‘t IJ, Kesbeke and Brandt&Levie quickly agreed that it was time to launch a good, new party in which Amsterdam delights are celebrated. Where better than a place where long regular tables are already the benchmark, so that it really feels that October has started?
Werken bij de Brouwerij?
Op dit moment hebben we een aantal mooie vacatures beschikbaar voor de ware liefhebber; Het zijn nogal uiteenlopende functies, dus dikke kans dat er een passende functie voor jou bij zit!
Nummer 79 | Passionfruit sour
We’ve been saying it for years, sour beers are the future. Slowly you see them more and more on the shelves and refrigerators throughout the Netherlands. In all variations: Geuzes, Berliner Weisse, Brett, lactic acid bacteria, additions of (citrus) fruit … Surprisingly refreshing, so extremely suitable for the summer.
A trip to our Southern neighbors: the Cherry Sour
At Brouwerij ‘t IJ we have had a great love for the beers of our Belgian colleagues from thevery beginning. Kaspar Peterson, the founder of our brewery, got hooked on it when he was still touring Belgium as a bass player and when he was a brewer himself once he regularly went back there. He rummaged through breweries and talked to the people who worked there.
Session white elderflower
We have been making Session White for our tasting room in ‘t Vondelpark for a while, right between Vrijwit and IJwit
The Eggshibition
We kochten 32 struisvogeleieren en vroegen kunstenaars om deze te beschilderen. Het resultaat: een prachtige, bonte verzameling aan kunstwerken die hopelijk nooit kapot gaan vallen. In de aanloop naar Pasen zijn ze te bewonderen bij Hubert in Nijmegen en Sissi’s Expo in Amsterdam.
Bier pick-up voor Giro 555
Zoals jullie ongetwijfeld niet is ontgaan gebeuren er op dit moment hele nare dingen in Oekraïne. We willen graag iets doen en hebben daarom besloten een bier pick-up te organiseren. De gehele opbrengst (25 euro per doos) gaat naar Giro 555.
Vacature: oproepkracht bottelaar
We zijn op zoek naar nieuwe medewerkers voor de bottelarij van Brouwerij ’t IJ. is dit iets voor jou?
IJWIT in a can
Until now, you drank IJwit from the bottle or from the tap. Perfectly fine. But somehow we felt that in some cases it could get even better. Especially when you’re out and about.
Good news: PaasIJ is back
We brew PaasIJ every spring since 1989, so of course you can enjoy this Amsterdam classic this spring as well.
Zatte Tripel bier
When you say Brouwerij ‘t IJ, then you automatically think of the Zatte Tripel. It was the first beer brewed in the tanks on the Funenkade. In true Belgian tradition, it’s a full, malty and smooth 8% alcohol tripel. An unfiltered, robust golden beer with an aroma of fresh fruit and hints of grain.
Special numbers
Our brewers are constantly working with new ingredients and techniques and to keep on showing you what they have to offer, we introduce something new: special numbers.
Pick-up Zatte Tripel
Op 11 december organiseren we nog een Zatte Tripel Pick-up. De XXL flessen zijn €3,50 per stuk en af te halen bij De Bierwinkelier in Utrecht
Hema & Brouwerij ‘t IJ
Bier & worst is een gouden combo. Daarom hebben we samen met HEMA het ideale pakket samengesteld. Inclusief een prachtig glas vinden we zelf.
Vrijwit & Beemster Kaas
Beemster kaas en Brouwerij ’t IJ kunnen het goed vinden samen. Zo kwamen ze op het idee de krachten te bundelen in een smakelijke verpakking.
Pak die cap
Some of you may have already come across it in store, but most enthusiasts saw our social media post: currently you receive a cap as a gift in selected supermarkets.
A lot of you asked us later in which supermarkets this cool cap is available with the purchase of 3 bottles of IJ beer.
We have selected this especially for you and can tell you exactly.Note: we have a very limited quantity available, so only while supplies last!Brewery stroll
Voordat we de labels van onze bieren opfristen, stond die fameuze struisvogel in een soort woestijnachtig landschap afgebeeld. Volgens de overlevering symbool voor de dorre stand van het Nederlandse bier halverwege de jaren tachtig, toen er in Nederland weinig interessant bier werd gebrouwen. Toen onze struisvogel neerstreek in een voormalig badhuis in Amsterdam-Oost, kwam daar binnen de hoofdstad voorzichtig wat verandering in.
LOVEBIRDS – Gebrouwen met Brouwerij Eleven
Over the past few months, we spent some time over the kettles to come up with a new Fruited Wheat Ale with Brouwerij Eleven in Utrecht. ‘Lovebirds’ is an easy summer beer with 5.6% alcohol.
Making-of Zatte Tripel campaign
We’re proud of the Zatte Tripel, and we have been for 35 years. But we haven’t always showed how we feel about it. So we thought it was about time to tell a bit more about our Tripel. And to let it have its day in the spotlight.
So we came up with a whole campaign for it: Zatte Tripel: Unfiltered, Uncompromising, and Classic. The creatives at bureau Kapooow in Amsterdam arranged everything for us: photography, a lot of great videos and ads, beer coasters and posters.We’ve freshened up our iconic Brouwerij ‘t IJ labels.
We’ve freshened up our iconic Brouwerij ‘t IJ labels. We kept some of the classic elements, like the diamond and the ostrich, so it’s not a dramatic change. Yet the labels feel ‘crisper’ somehow. Why is that? We asked Gavin Arm, the British founder and Creative Director of design bureau Positivity in Amsterdam
Online beer tasting : LIVE Friday 19 March
Op vrijdag 19 maart om 21:00 uur organiseren we er weer één. Iedereen zit om 21:00 uur thuis doordat de avondklok nog even van kracht blijft en wij hebben inmiddels weer een aantal nieuwe bieren.
Light refreshing news from ‘t IJ
Amsterdam, March 2021 – The iconic IJwit beer from Brouwerij ’t IJ is one of the most popular wheat beers in the Netherlands. IJwit first saw the light 20 years ago, in the brewery under the windmill in Amsterdam-Oost. Over the years, demand for alcohol-free and low-alcohol beer has increased dramatically, and more beer menus are featuring 0.0% and 0.5% options.
New labels on all bottles!
’t IJ definitely hasn’t been sitting still during the lockdown. It was a perfect opportunity for us to finally sit down and make good on our plan to take another look at all of our labels.PaasIJ
Brouwerij ‘t IJ has been brewing its special lentebok since 1989. The recipe is a creation by brewery founder Kaspar Peterson. Only he knows how the idea for the PaasIJ was brewed up, and each year he brewed it a little bit differently.
Now with more flavour, more % and more blond. Brouwerij ‘t IJ began brewing beer with a Belgian-style tripel (Zatte Tripel) and dubbel (Natte Dubbel). Thirty-six years later, the brewery completed the traditional Belgian holy trinity of tripel-dubbel-blond with an authentic blond: Blondie.
Meanwhile …
When our tasting rooms and all other cafes were forced to close, many of our staff suddenly found themselves with nothing to do. We decided to redirect all that time and energy into something positive and asked everyone if they would like to do voluntary work.
Brouwerij ‘t IJ is curious how you would like to say goodbye to 2020. Do you post your photo or video on Insta or Facebook with the theme “All good things come an IJnde”?